SubioMed has assembled a team of medical and biomechanics specialists, clinicians, engineers, product designers, and industry experts to create a more thoughtful way of improving gait and managing Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) using the latest in design and material innovations from a wide range of industries and applications.
Our technology platform, which we refer to as Suspension Biomechanics is built around dynamic energy management and precision motion control, and is protected by a portfolio of global utility patents.

Dynamic Energy Management
The ability to effectively manage the negative forces that accelerate breakdown and failure in the human suspension system. For medical and consumer applications.
Deceleration & Energy Absorption – As the body makes (initial) contact with the ground, the device absorbs and dampens the forces much like a car’s suspension system absorbs bumps in the road.
Energy Translation & Suspension – As the body moves through the gait cycle, kinetic energy is captured and loads the device. The device also minimizes energy transferred to the body, further reducing the effects of wear and tear.
Energy Return – As the heel raises during the push-off phase of gait, the device returns the stored energy to provide propulsive (toe-off) assist.

The utility patents cover a multi-layer suspension system that may consist of one, two, or three layers that is designed to absorb and return energy.



Precision Motion Control

Side-to-side or medial-lateral control can be delivered independently to each segment of the foot (forefoot, midfoot, hindfoot) by using various adjustment methods.
The unique design gives us the ability to provide precision motion control to specific areas of the foot throughout the entire gait cycle. Most corrective devices available today (e.g. foot orthotics) are only able to provide static support in a fixed position.

Hindfoot Control
Correct foot positioning at the start of the gait cycle is critical to optimizing gait. The multi-layered design allows precise adjustments to be made to the device to fine-tune stiffness and foot positioning (e.g. pronation and supination) as the gait cycle intiates.
Midfoot Control
Additional adjustments can be made to control, support and optimize midfoot position as the foot moves through the gait cycle.
Forefoot Control
The forefoot plays a very important role in providing balance, support and propulsion during the gait cycle. Similar to the heel and arch, the ball of your forefoot is not flat. The ability to precisely control forefoot positioning (e.g. loading and off-loading) is a critical and often overlooked part of the gait cycle.

The initial prototypes have been made from aerospace grade carbon fiber composite materials.
Over the past 10-years carbon fibers have become a more widely used material due to is functional and material properties. Carbon fiber is 5X stronger than steel and 2X the stiffness with an extremely high strength-to-weight ratio making it ideal for this application.